Consider for a moment the pleasure of spending time with someone you really love and enjoy being with - you appreciate their sense of humour, their particular style of expression, and find their conversation stimulating and entertaining. A great part of being with them is that you know they feel the same about you, and you just seem to come alive in their presence because they affirm everything positive in you. Time spent in such company always runs out too fast.
Now imagine countlesss numbers of exquisite personalities with whom you have this same joyous relationship, and with each one a slightly different facet of your own character is experienced. The excitement of seeing each other, of getting to know one another, and of sharing each other's lives is beyond measure. And then imagine the glorious reality that there is no limit to the time . . . and I believe you have a picture of one aspect of heaven. And in those endlessly delightful relationships and connectedness, the infinite love of Jesus is fully experienced and shared forever.
Now imagine countlesss numbers of exquisite personalities with whom you have this same joyous relationship, and with each one a slightly different facet of your own character is experienced. The excitement of seeing each other, of getting to know one another, and of sharing each other's lives is beyond measure. And then imagine the glorious reality that there is no limit to the time . . . and I believe you have a picture of one aspect of heaven. And in those endlessly delightful relationships and connectedness, the infinite love of Jesus is fully experienced and shared forever.